Wednesday, September 14, 2011

my life is a sitcom

God has a sense of humor; i just don't find it amusing.

ever have one of those moments where you get the urge to look up at the sky, point your finger, and yell, "that's not funny, God!" yeah. me too. twice in two days.

actually, my whole week has been one awkward moment after another...

yesterday in Bible, one of my girls asked me to define "circumcised". then, later in the day, we had school pictures. while i was monitoring my class as they took their pictures and waiting in line to get mine taken, the photographer turned around and started to yell at me because he thought i was a meddlesome student. my boss, who happened to be standing next to me at the time, turned away from the photographer to laugh hysterically at me. she then told all the office workers and any teacher who has walked by about how i was taken for a misbehaving student. that afternoon, i was walking my dog, only to see a former student {the kind you're as happy to see go as they are to leave, come summer break} and his family moving in to my apartment complex. on my way to work this morning, i was sitting at a light, jamming to my song, when i saw movement out of the corner of my eye. who should appear, but a current student, hanging out of his car window, flailing his arms to get my attention. when he did, he proceeded to point and laugh at me. this week has me looking around for the hidden cameras somewhere. seriously, am i stuck in a nightmare? {tomorrow, i'll show up to work with no pants on...}

i hope my week so far at least makes you feel better about yours. if not, then not enough awkwardness happens in your life and you need to get right with God. He is the maker of great awkwardness. it's called life...because the truth is, awkward moments define my life.

{john 15:19-21}

1 comment:

  1. You know, I find your life highly amusing. Love you, friend!
